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Financial information is reported for a facility's five most recent cost reporting periods.  The most current status of each period is reported (i.e. as submitted, settled, reopened, etc.).

Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet information is obtained from a facility's Medicare cost report (W/S G, column 1, lines 11-60).  The five most recent cost reporting periods are reported and data are updated on a quarterly basis as more recent information becomes available.

Income Statement

Income Statement information is obtained from a facility's Medicare cost report (W/S G2, part I, columns 1-3, line 14; W/S G2, part II, column 3, line 15; W/S G3, lines 2-31; and W/S S-2 part I, column 1, line 23).  The five most recent cost reporting periods are reported and data are updated on a quarterly basis as more recent information becomes available.  Data for cost reporting periods representing other than 12 months are annualized.

Financial Data per Patient Day

Selected lines from the Income Statement are expressed on a per day basis using total patient days from the facility’s Medicare cost report (W/S S-3, part I, column 7, line 8). The five most recent cost reporting periods are reported and data are updated on a quarterly basis as more recent information becomes available.

Statistic Worksheet
Number of Patient Days S-3, part I, line 8, col 7
Inpatient Net Revenue G-2, part I, line 14, col 1
Outpatient Net Revenue G-2, part I, line 14, col 2
Total Net Revenue G-2, part I, line 14, col 3
Total Operating Expenses G-3, line 4
Net Income G-3, line 31

Financial information is reported for a facility's five most recent cost reporting periods.  The most current status of each period is reported (i.e. as submitted, settled, reopened, etc.).

Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet information is obtained from a facility's Medicare cost report (W/S G, column 1, lines 11-59).  The five most recent cost reporting periods are reported and data are updated on a quarterly basis as more recent information becomes available.

Income Statement

Income Statement information is obtained from a facility's Medicare cost report (W/S G2, part I, columns 1-3, line 14), W/S G2, part II, column 3, line 15), (W/S G3, lines 2-32), and (W/S S-2, column 1, line 26).  The five most recent cost reporting periods are reported and data are updated on a quarterly basis as more recent information becomes available.  Data for cost reporting periods representing other than 12 months are annualized.

Financial Data per Patient Day

Selected lines from the Income Statement are expressed on a per day basis using total patient days from the facility’s Medicare cost report (W/S S-3, part I, column 7, line 9). The five most recent cost reporting periods are reported and data are updated on a quarterly basis as more recent information becomes available.

Statistic Worksheet
Number of Patient Days S-3, part I, line 14, col 1
Inpatient Net Revenue G-2, part I, line 14, col 1
Outpatient Net Revenue G-2, part I, line 14, col 2
Total Net Revenue G-2, part I, line 14, col 3
Total Operating Expenses G-3, line 31
Net Income G-3, line 31