Medicare Provider Number: 195297
Cost report status: Settled Without Audit
[Record Code 1333836 - 2010]

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FROM 01/01/2021
TO 12/31/2021
Description (1) Basis for Adjustment (2) Amount
Expense Classification on Wkst. A
to/from which the amount is to be adjusted
Cost Center Line No.
  0 1 2 3 4
1 Investment income on restricted funds (Chapter 2) ### ### ### ### 1
2 Trade, quantity and time discounts on purchases (Chapter 8) 2
3 Refunds and rebates of expenses Chapter 8) ### ### ### ### 3
4 Rental of provider space by suppliers Chapter 8) 4
5 Telephone services (pay stations excluded) (Chapter 21) 5
6 Television and radio service (Chapter 21) 6
7 Parking lot (Chapter 21) 7
8 Remuneration applicable to provider-based physician adjustment Worksheet A-8-2   8
9 Home office costs (Chapter 21) 9
10 Sale of scrap, waste, etc. (Chapter 23) 10
11 Nonallowable costs related to certain Capital expenditures (Chapter 24) 11
12 Adjustment resulting from transactions with related organizations (Chapter 10) Worksheet A-8-1 ###   12
13 Laundry and Linen service 13
14 Revenue - Employee meals 14
15 Cost of meals - Guests 15
16 Sale of medical supplies to other than patients 16
17 Sale of drugs to other than patients 17
18 Sale of medical records and abstracts ### ### ### ### 18
19 Vending machines ### ### ### ### 19
20 Income from imposition of interest, finance or penalty charges (Chapter 21) 20
21 Interest expense on Medicare overpayments and borrowings to repay Medicare overpayments 21
22 Utilization review--physicians' compensation (Chapter 21) Utilization Review- SNF 82 22
23 Depreciation--buildings and fixtures Capital Related Cost- Building 1 23
24 Depreciation--movable equipment Capital Related Cost-Movable 2 24
25 Other Adjustment specify - PROVIDER TAX ### ### ### ### 25
25.01 CONTRIBUTION - POLITICAL ### ### ### ### 25.01
25.02 ADVERTISING - PROMOTIONAL ### ### ### ### 25.02
25.03 MARKETING ### ### ### ### 25.03
25.04 PENALTIES ### ### ### ### 25.04
25.05 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY REIMBURSEMENT ### ### ### ### 25.05
25.06 STATE INCOME TAXES ### ### ### ### 25.06
25.07 SMALL BALANCE ADJUSTMENT ### ### ### ### 25.07
25.08 NCR - RESIDENT PERSONAL PURCHASES ### ### ### ### 25.08
25.09 MXB CO-PAY BAD DEBT ### ### ### ### 25.09
25.10 NCR- EXPENSE G&A ### ### ### ### 25.10
25.11 NCR - UTILITIES ### ### ### ### 25.11
25.12 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE ### ### ### ### 25.12
25.13 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE ### ### ### ### 25.13
25.14 PROPERTY TAX ### ### ### ### 25.14
25.15 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ### ### ### ### 25.15
25.16 PROPERTY INSURANCE ### ### ### ### 25.16
25.17 VEHICLE INSURANCE ### ### ### ### 25.17
25.18 WORKERS COMP REBATE ### ### ### ### 25.18
25.19 WORKERS COMP REBATE ### ### ### ### 25.19
25.20 WORKERS COMP REBATE ### ### ### ### 25.20
25.21 WORKERS COMP REBATE ### ### ### ### 25.21
25.22 WORKERS COMP REBATE ### ### ### ### 25.22
25.23 WORKERS COMP REBATE ### ### ### ### 25.23
25.24 WORKERS COMP REBATE ### ### ### ### 25.24
25.25 WORKERS COMP REBATE ### ### ### ### 25.25
25.26 LIFE INSURANCE - OWNER ### ### ### ### 25.26
25.27 HEALTH INSURANCE - OWNER ### ### ### ### 25.27
25.28 EXPENSES - ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENER ### ### ### ### 25.28
25.29 EXPENSES - SKILLED NURSING FACILITY ### ### ### ### 25.29
25.30 EXPENSES - SKILLED NURSING FACILITY ### ### ### ### 25.30
25.31 CONTRACT HOURS - LPN - CY EXPENSE P ### ### ### ### 25.31
25.32 CONTRACT HOURS - CNA - CY EXPENSE ### ### ### ### 25.32
25.33 EXPENSES - CAPITAL-RELATED COSTS - ### ### ### ### 25.33
25.34 EXPENSES - PLANT OPERATION MAINTEN ### ### ### ### 25.34
25.35 EXPENSES - ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENER ### ### ### ### 25.35
25.36 EXPENSES - PLANT OPERATION MAINTEN ### ### ### ### 25.36
25.37 EXPENSES - LAUNDRY AND LINEN SERVIC ### ### ### ### 25.37
25.38 EXPENSES - HOUSEKEEPING - CY EXPENS ### ### ### ### 25.38
25.39 EXPENSES - ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENER ### ### ### ### 25.39
25.40 EXPENSES - ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENER ### ### ### ### 25.40
25.41 EXPENSES - ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENER ### ### ### ### 25.41
25.42 LNHA LOBBYING FEES ### ### ### ### 25.42
25.43 LA BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY DUES ### ### ### ### 25.43
25.44 LNHA PAC DUES ### ### ### ### 25.44
(sum of lines 1 through 99)
(transfer to Wkst. A, col. 6, line 100)
  ###     100
(1) Description - all chapter references in this column pertain to CMS Pub. 15-1
(2) Basis for adjustment (see instructions)
A. Costs - if cost, including applicable overhead, can be determined
B. Amount Received - if cost cannot be determined
41-320   Rev. 1